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Icon Gebäudetechnik, weißen Haussymbol in der Mitte mit Heizspiralensymbol auf grauem quadratischen Hintergrund

Forum „Zukunft Gebäudetechnik“
- presenting language German

6.11. | Together in dialogue

Insights into the future

On November 6, 2024, the SHK-Innung Berlin and the SHK Land Brandenburg trade association are organizing the “Future Building Technology” forum. The most important players from various trades and the state association for energy efficiency will present comprehensive lectures on current and future topics such as smart bathrooms, renewable energies, intelligent heating technology and digitalization.

Take this opportunity to find out about the latest developments and trends in building technology.

Open hall forum - without additional participation fee


Networked building technology – electronics and sanitation, heating and air-conditioning come together

The expansion of renewable energies and the increase of energy efficiency are key to the success of the energy transition. The requirements of intelligent building technology in areas such as sanitation, heating and air-conditioning mean that the dialogue with electronics technology is indispensable. This aim cannot be realised without manual skills.

The electronics sector, as well as the sanitation, heating and air-conditioning sectors, are crucial in determining the planning and implementation of energy efficient and digital solutions in and on buildings.

belektro would like to further strengthen the inter-trade networking and exchange, and offer a common platform. For this, topics such as building automation and heating, air-conditioning and sanitation come even sharper into the focus of this year’s event.